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【平裝版藍光】多明哥歌劇晚會 - 維羅納圓形競技場50年 (2020) << 返 回
Placido Domingo Opera Gala - 50 Years at the Arena di Verona

  所屬分類: 歌劇、舞台劇
  語      言: 英語
  字幕/版本: 繁體中文
  級      別: 1
  演      員: 多明哥     
  導      演: Stefano Trespidi
  片      數: 1片
  光碟類別: 25G藍光

音軌1:PCM_bluray,48000Hz,stereo,s24,2304 kb/s

音軌2:dts-hd ma,48000Hz,5.1,s24


1969年12月7日,多明哥首次出現在米蘭斯卡拉大劇院的舞台上,這位年輕男高音在普契尼的《杜蘭朵》取得很大成功。在多明哥首次亮相50週年之際(2019年12月7日)維羅納競技場歌劇舞台舉辦了一場高水準的音樂會來慶祝。節目組精心製作了三部著名的威爾第歌劇的節選片段,其中普拉西多.多明哥飾演納布科(拿布果)Nabucco,馬克白(Macbeth)和西蒙波卡涅拉(Simon Boccanegra)

Placido Domingo - Opera Gala (Blu-ray)
50 Years at the Arena di Verona
With highlights from Nabucco, Macbeth, Simon Boccanegra What a pompous and exquisite gala to celebrate opera legend Pl?cido Domingo in the breathtaking Arena di Verona! 50 years ago the young Madrilenian singer Pl?cido Domingo gave his debut at the ancient open-air theatre: the beginning of a lasting and exceptional relationship. To mark the anniversary, Domingo presents a programme entirely dedicated to Verdi, performing three of his most complex and majestic baritone roles. No effort was spared to create an unforgettable evening in a unique atmosphere in the completely sold- out amphitheatre, which has been at the heart of Italian entertainment for almost 2,000 years. Whether as Babylonian king Nabucco, Scottish general Macbeth or as Doge Simon Boccanegra: Domingos versatility and aura is more than impressive, with top phrasing and articulation,his baritone with full and sonorous intonation and a unique timbre all this substantiates his exceptional position (Das Opernglas). At the side of Domingo shines an excellent cast including Anna Pirozzi and Arturo Chac?n-Cruz, supported by a perfectly rehearsed ballet under the baton of conductor Jordi Bern?cer who sovereignly leads the Orchestra of the Arena di Verona from scene to scene. A triumphal, almost historic moment for Domingo and the Arena di Verona!A triumphal, almost historic moment for Domingo and the Arena di Verona!A triumphal, almost historic moment for Domingo and the Arena di Verona!

Nabucco (Nebukadnezar, Oper in 4 Akten) (Auszug)
2Sinfonia (1. Akt)
3Va, pensiero (3. Akt)
4Oh chi piange?... Del futuro nel buio discerno
5Son pur queste mie membra? (4. Akt)
6Porta fatal, oh, t'aprirai!... O prodi miei, seguitemi
7Va! La palma del martirio
8Ah, torna Israello
9Oh! Chi vegg'io?
Macbeth (Oper in 4 Akten) (Auszug)
10Patria oppressa! (4. Akt)
11O figli, o figli miei!
12Dove siam?
13Vegliammo invan due notti
14Una macchia ? qui tuttora
15Perfidi! All'anglo contro me v'unite!
16Piet?, rispetto, amore
17Ella ? morta!
18Mal per me che m'affidai
19Vittoria! Vittoria!
Simone Boccanegra (Oper in 1 Prolog und 3 Akten) (Auszug)
20O inferno! ... Amelia qui! Sento avvampar nell'anima (2. Akt)
21Tu qui?... Parla, in tuo braccio colpisce?
22Figlia?... Vecchio inerme il tuo braccio colpisce?
23M'ardon le tempia... (3. Akt)
24Chi veggo!... Gran Dio, li benedici
25Applaus und Abspann

Laufzeit: 154 Min.
Tonformat: stereo / DTS-HD 5.1 MA
Bild: 16:9 (1080i)
Untertitel: Italienisch, Deutsch, Englisch, Franz?sisch, Spanisch, Koreanisch, Japanisch
K?nstler: Placido Domingo, Anna Pirozzi, Arturo Chacon-Cruz, Marko Mimica, Chorus Arena di Verona, Arena di Verona Orchestra, Jordi Bernacer
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